Cornerstone is a friendly and welcoming group of people. Some of us have been going to church for years and some of us are just checking things out. As a church we love Jesus, love Bath, love the presence of God amongst us, and love His Bible. We really like coffee, hanging out together in coffee shops and each other’s homes, getting together on Sunday’s and doing life together.
On Sunday’s we get together to connect with God through worship, teaching and prayer.
No matter where you are coming from in life, whether you are hopeful, sceptical or just curious about the Christian faith, you are very welcome. We’d love to meet you and warmly invite you to join us one Sunday.
When Jesus Prays
Invited in to the most intimate and profound conversation between Jesus and His Father in Heaven. The first part in the series as we unpack the gold in this passage of scripture....
Encountering Jesus - Pt9 - Childlike Faith
In the last our of Encounter Jesus series, parents are bringing their small children to be blessed by Jesus. As he holds them close, we learn how best to receive the gift that Jesus is to us....
Encountering Jesus - Pt8 - Woman at the well
Jesus meets the outcast Samaritan woman as they are drawing water from a well. Despite the societal divides that should prevent them from meeting, Jesus introduces her to a Spring of water that...
Encountering Jesus - Pt7 - Jesus restores Peter
Peter encounters Jesus after the resurrection whilst he is busy fishing. Keith encourages us to expect God to meet with us in the normal aspects of life, to be real and honest with God as He meets...
Encountering Jesus - Pt6 - Jesus washes the disciples feet
As Jesus washes the feet of his disciples he shows us how we are to love each other and what selfless leadership is....
Encountering Jesus - Pt5 - Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead
The heart of Jesus is revealed as he attends the gravesite of his friend Lazarus. When we walk through trials and pain, who is Jesus in those moments and how does He bring life from death?...
What does it look like to follow Jesus in our generation?
Guest speaker and author of 'Finding the Peacemakers' unpacks what the good news of Jesus is, what it is to follow Jesus, and asks how can we do that in our generation?...
Encountering Jesus - Pt4 - Sight restored?
Joel speaks from Matthew 9 Jesus is busy healing 2 blind men and a demon possessed man. Joel asks us to consider 3 different responses to Jesus's miracles! The crowd who marvel at the miracles but...
Encountering Jesus - Pt3 - A woman is dragged in front of Jesus
In one of the most shameful and difficult scenes - the hearts of men are exposed and the compassion of Jesus revealed. He is our advocate and He wants to have a moment alone with you....
Encountering Jesus - Pt2 - Follow Me
Matthew the tax collector becomes Matthew the writer of the first Gospel in the NT. Jesus invites us to follow Him, its life changing but requires that we drop what we're doing and go with Him....
Encountering Jesus - Pt1 - Peter Walks On Water
What is faith and how do we step out in faith? As a Church we are moving to a new venue next week - a significant step of faith for us. Are you setting faith goals in your life? Faith impresses...
Acts Of The Apostles - Finding Rest in a trial
Peter is arrested and faces execution. Amazingly he is able to sleep while in prison. How can we learn to trust in the goodness and character of God in our most difficult seasons...